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09 Nov

I never would have guessed a mere seven days post total knee replacement in early October that I would be in the midst of fighting a diagnosis of having Lyme Disease that affected my Central Nervous System!  While I do not remember anything for at least the next five days, my family stayed by my bedside dealing with the fact that I exhibited classic signs of having a significant stroke.  Thanks to family, friends, at least seven physician specialists, other healthcare professionals,…..

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05 Oct

People have asked me how I come up with topics to write about. The answer to that question is I just listen. That’s right… heard me. I just listen. Now you may think I’ve totally lost it, but if you’ve seen the movie August Rush, you probably have an idea of what I mean. If you haven’t seen the movie yet, it’s a must see.

August is an eleven year-old music prodigy, but that’s all I’ll share, as I don’t…..

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27 Sep

It warmed my heart this week to read two Facebook posts by two different individuals from Missouri.  Both were thanking folks in the northern states who were making attempts and positive strides to help the monarch/milkweed dilemma by raising these magnificent butterflies from eggs found on milkweed plants.  They both indicated they are seeing more monarchs on the migration route through their state than they have seen in many years!  Way to go, folks!!! 

As an example, my husband and…..

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14 Sep

What weighs as much as a paperclip and has fragile wings that carry it thousands of miles on its annual migration journey?  If you answered a monarch butterfly, you are correct!  But if you answered the “super generation” of the monarch butterfly, then you must have read the recent article on Birds and Blooms website entitled Diary of Monarch Migration.  By reading on, I will share with you some highlights from that article. 

September is the time of year this so called super generation is equipped at…..

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01 Sep

After nearly one and one-half million Facebook views on all the videos I posted during the first seventeen days of August showing the transformation of monarch butterflies, I am astounded that I was one of two of us who got to see that happen right in front of our eyes for the very first time in our lives!  But even more than that, a huge majority of those who commented wrote they never witnessed that before either.  So how does that transformation even…..

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14 Aug


Not many people have been fortunate enough to watch a monarch caterpillar transform to the next stage of a monarch butterfly life-cycle called the chrysalis.  That is, until they watched a video I posted on 8/1/2015 to my Facebook page for Gramma Golden, now approaching 600,000 views.  I had no idea that this four-minute video would capture the interest of so many on Facebook.   But I want to go back a few steps further before I go on.

First of all, monarch butterflies are important pollinators and…..

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05 Aug


On Saturday, August 1, 2015, I recorded a four minute video of a Monarch caterpillar turning into a chrysalis.  I posted it to my Facebook page, Gramma Golden, and just now, a mere ninety-six hours later, the video has 100,000 views!  I am in awe at how it has soared across the Internet.   I am sure all 100,000 others who took the time to view the video are in awe as well.

One of my goals when I retired two years ago was…..

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07 Jul

Sometimes we just have to take a time out to let our souls be nourished by nature.  I have come to the conclusion that this world would be a much better place if we all did more of that on a regular basis.  Mostly we look for people or possessions or access to the newest electronic gadget to fill our longings, needs and desires.  But these are all temporary.  People pass on, possessions wear out or become obsolete, electronic gadgets get…..

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11 Jun


I am writing this week about bee’s in general.  My hope is that you will have a better understanding of the type of bees that should be left alone to do the work for which they were created. 

The Honey Bee used to be the most common visitor to home gardens.  This fuzzy bee is an excellent all around pollinator. They are one of the most beneficial insects on the planet and their role in pollination is vital to many varieties…..

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04 Jun

Two different people in the past four days have mentioned their fruit trees have no evidence of fruit growth.  One lives locally on a farm and has two apple trees, two pear trees, and one plum tree.  The other lives in a rural community and has one cherry tree.  Both claim to have had an abundance of spring blossoms but are left now with only leaves growing and no sign of fruit.  The same thing last year I was told by…..

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